
covent garden 考文特花園〔1.倫敦中部一個蔬菜花卉市場。2.=the ...


The first of the latter included st james ' square , covent garden , lincoln ' s inn and bloomsbury square , while the grander residential areas around belgravia tend to be early or later c19 后者首先包括圣詹姆斯廣場,考文特公園,林肯飯店和布洛姆斯伯利廣場,但是在貝爾格萊維亞(區)周圍的大居住區可能是十九世紀早期或晚期的事情。

A particularly brutal assault , the same that caused a severing of the tottenham court line , came to its fearsome conclusion in the covent garden station 曾經一場極其殘酷的戰斗高云車站發生并且慘烈結束,與托特恩圣殿大街線車站一樣可怕的結局。

He shot to fame with a stand - in appearance at london ' s covent garden in 1963 and had soon had critics gushing about his voluminous voice 他于1963年在倫敦中心區廣場的一次替代演出上一舉成名。很快,無數評價如潮水一般涌向了他浩瀚的嗓音。

Lily : covent garden has traditionally been a centre of small businesses and at one time the largest whole sale fruit and vegetable market in england 蘋果市場,非常有名,還有它四周的小店鋪,似乎都是原汁原味的,和現代大超市不一樣

Providing a conduit between the covent garden and leicester square stations , the only traffic these tracks see are of dark origins 這條線路為高云花園和萊斯特廣場站點提供了個通道,而這些軌道所見證的僅僅是黑暗的源泉。

It happened that while i was going along the street covent garden , there was a great cry of “ stop thief ! stop thief ! 當我走過考芬特花園的一條街時,偶然聽到大聲呼喊: “捉賊! ” “捉賊! ”

It happened that while i was going along the street covent garden , there was a great cry of “ stop thief ! stop thief ! 當我走過考芬特花園的一條街時,偶然聽到大聲呼喊: “捉賊! ” “捉賊! ”

The covent garden market district is a typical example of the devastation that was wrought during the demonic invasion 高云花園市場街區就是惡魔入侵造成城市毀滅一個最類型的例子。

Lily : the famous apple market is still here right in the centre of covent garden 蘋果市場,非常有名,還有它四周的小店鋪,似乎都是原汁原味的,和現代大超市不一樣

Royal opera house , covent garden 倫敦皇家歌劇院

The royal opera house opens at covent garden , london 1732年,座落于倫敦柯芬園的皇家歌劇院對外開放

She may be seen walking to covent garden church, with a starved foot-boy behind carrying her prayer book . 我們看到她正朝修道院花園教堂走去,一個面黃肌瘦的小廝捧著祈禱書,跟在她后邊。

He branched off through covent garden . 他從古凡園穿過去。